Many get excited when the summer season arrives. Who wouldn’t be? It’s the best season to enjoy many outdoor activities. But imagine living in a country where it almost feels as if it’s summer all year long. For instance, those residing in Southeast Asian countries face the daily battle against heat and humidity. It can be quite challenging, especially for individuals who have extra sensitive skin. They must find other ways to protect themselves; however, this doesn’t mean we need to avoid sunlight altogether.
Swimming or going on nature hikes can still be enjoyed. But it’s important to be mindful of holistic self-care when spending time in the sunshine—this is where collagen comes into play. Check out how collagen has taken over the beauty and skincare industry, and why you should never go another day without it.

Limit Your Time Under the Sun

Photo by Lukas Blazek from Unsplash: Keep an eye on that clock when you’re tanning!

Sun exposure has its pros and cons. Of course, vitamin D is undeniably good for you, but too much can lead to something more serious. Summer skin problems like heat rash, hives, and sunburn often arise when one is always out in the heat. Yet most people don’t realize that other underlying issues are resulting from activities like tanning.

Hyperpigmentation, or commonly known as age spots, can occur especially for both middle-aged men and women. Some brush this condition off without worry since it is “virtually harmless.” However, no one wants to look as if they are aging at a rapid speed. Meanwhile, other problems like skin sallowness, elastosis (premature skin wrinkling and sagging), and telangiectasias (also known as spider veins) are also rampant during this season.

Much critical skin problems such as skin cancer are also not far behind if one continues to carry on the habit of extended sunbathing. So, whether you opt to relax by the pool or bask the rays in your favorite beach spot, think twice about staying out too long—that extra five minutes might hurt your skin.

The Secret to Healthy Skin Revealed

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: Maintain that glow all year round

Thankfully, the advent of skincare technology has made it easier for people to achieve a much healthier glow without too much effort. In this case, collagen supplements are a top choice when it comes to nourishing the skin. Aside from its antioxidant properties, collagen is packed with amino acids that aids in keeping skin smooth and supple. Acne scars and even dark spots can be kept to a minimum if this excellent protein is incorporated into your beauty regimen.

What’s even more incredible about it is how it affects other aspects of the body. The nails, hair, and also the digestive system can significantly benefit the wonders of collagen too. These reasons alone are precisely why one should be wary about taking just about any collagen pill or drink available in the market. Thorough research is crucial and helps one to choose the right product without any additives or flavoring. This way, the essence of collagen is maintained entirely.

Truly, collagen’s efficacy knows no bounds. It’s never too late to give our skin a little help in restoring and repairing any damage caused by too much fun under the sun. While it’s undeniable that a bit of tan can amp up your look instantly, always keep your skin’s health into consideration. Lather up on some sunscreen, hydrate, and most of all, don’t forget that daily dose of collagen. Trust us when we say your older self will thank you for it!